Local Cassandra Setup
This section briefly outlines the process to build the Cassandra binaries from the branch where development of the Vector Search Capabilities is being actively done, and to start a locally-running single-node cluster for experimentation.
This is a development branch at the moment: it is not guaranteed to be stable. Please refrain from using it in production environments for a little while more.
Go to a fresh directory and:
git clone https://github.com/datastax/cassandra.git
cd cassandra
git checkout cep-vsearch
ant jar
Launch the cluster with:
./bin/cassandra -f
Opening a CQL Console
In order to have a CQL console able to fully interoperate with this branch, do the following in the directory where you cloned the Cassandra code (and preferrably in a Python virtual environment):
pip install git+https://github.com/datastax/python-driver.git@cep-vsearch#egg=cassandra-driver
pip install wcwidth
You can now start a CQL console with:
CQLSH_NO_BUNDLED=True bin/cqlsh
Create a keyspace
The last step is to create a keyspace, which will be where all examples will create the tables they need.
Open a CQL console and run the following:
WITH REPLICATION = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1 };
You can check that the keyspace exists with:
Everything is set
Well done: you can now browse the website and run the code examples!
Remember to start Cassandra and keep it running when trying out the examples that need it.